Monday, 25 January 2016

Useful Tools For Bible Study


Studying our Bibles is always more fruitful when we have help. We are all like that Ethiopian eunuch; needing explanation of the texts. Here's a simply roundup of helpful aids

Study Bible

Mobile Apps

Notebook & Pen

Study Bibles are amazing resources, I generally use (these days) the ESV study Bible, but a couple of others that are usually at hand in our house are the MacArthur Study Bible and the Reformation Study Bible. They are full of helpful explanations, short commentary, maps, charts and introductions etc that enrich our understanding of the Biblical texts.

Mobile apps are abundant in our age, one that's been blessing me each day is Solid Joys devotional app from Desiring God Ministries. I also have the ESV study Bible app and a host of others on there where I can stream sermons, look up commentaries and read various explanations of texts etc.

Paper and pen are great for taking notes as well as jotting your own thoughts about a text and a written prayer over it. This has become a daily routine for me, to read (continuously through the New Testament) and write a little about what I read, selecting a main verse and exploring it as well as writing a prayer over it at the end. It's sort of my own devotional thoughts as I read through the Bible.

Bonus Idea:
A Bible for Life is something a great friend and influence talked too me about a long time ago. It's the idea of getting a good Bible and using it as your main Bible for the rest of your days. The usefulness of this is amazing as you begin to find your way around it easier, picture in your mind where texts are and, for me anyway, it has become the main place I go to meet with Christ. You can see mine creeping into the image above in the top left hand corner. It goes to work with me, church, home, even holidays. In it there's notes, underlining, symbols, keys to the symbols, there's even coffee and sweat marks (i hate these last 2 but when it goes everywhere, what can you do, it's gonna happen).
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online

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