Friday, 12 February 2016

Valentine Day Thoughts for Christians

AW Tozer's wife said the following after his death and her remarriage:

 “”I have never been happier in my life. . . “Aiden [A. W. Tozer] loved Jesus Christ, but Leonard Odam loves me.”

That's not the legacy we want to leave our best friend with, nor leave that implication with our children. As much as i'm loving Tozer at the minute, this takes a huge amount of the shine off his armour.

Rather we ought to love Jesus and love our wives; to make them happy, because we love Jesus. And follow His call to love our wives as He loved the Church and gave Himself up for it.

Valentines is a good excuse to reaffirm our affections towards the ladies whom we men have chosen above all other women on the planet to be our wives and to declare our love afresh to them. I'm not a Rhianna fan but her advice is good - make her feel like she's the only girl in the world.

Small gifts, or big; a little note or card with heartfelt words or a big bunch of flowers. Even the smallest gesture can touch the heart with floods of loving tenderness (sometimes even more than grand gestures).

We guys are guilty of failing to continually romance our wives and letting them know how special they are to us. So lets do something this year...

Here are some ideas
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online

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