Friday, 2 October 2015

1 John 3:6

"No one who abides in Him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen Him or known Him."
1 John 3:6

This is a very strong text, hard to read and hard to think about.
But after we take time to repent and plead for repentance & forgiveness for the sins that so easily overtake us, let's look at the hope this verse gives.

It gives us a key to overcoming sin

  • If we 'abide' in Him we will not keep on sinning.
  • If we 'see' Him we will not keep on sinning.
  • If we 'know' Him we will not keep on sinning.

Just something to think about through the day . . .
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online

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