Thursday, 17 September 2015

The Best Day of My Life (Title given by Tim Millen)


We were talking about something today that triggered a funny memory, so here it is:

Build up . . . or Setting the Scene
When i was about 17, before i was saved i taught Sunday school at the Church i'd grown up in. My mum was Sunday school superintendent (whatever that means) and was having a meeting in our house. Not only were the normal teachers there but a lot of the Church leaders including the Rev, Dr's etc were in attendance.

The Event
With so many there, seats were scarce and myself & Tim Millen were on the floor leaning against the door. It was a cheap door, one that's pretty fake and has nothing but air inside, but it held our weight comfortably. Anyway, there was some discussion or other going on about something (remember i wasn't a Christian at the time, so found it pretty boring) when, and this was without the normal warning one gets, a huge fart erupted from my bum and with such a cheapo door at its disposal vibrated like a lambeg drum.

Discussion stopped, everyone looked and I said . . .

"Ooops, pardon me"

Then, all heads, without any words being spoken, turned back and discussion renewed as though it couldn't have possibly happened - think father Ted kicking bishop Brennan up the @&$£.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, I can barely think about it without laughing.
At the time I wasn't laughing, and my mum's face said if i'd been a few years younger she'd have been breaking a branch of the hedge out the back (it was allowed in those days).

Tim spent the rest of the meeting biting his cheeks trying not to laugh, while I spent it squeezing different cheeks trying to make sure there was no repeat performance.
Author Image

About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online

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