Thursday 2 April 2015

Kid's Devotions - Correcting Resources

Correct As You Go [But Back Up With Scripture References]
One thing i've noticed about all children Bibles and material for teaching kids is that there are many occasions when they aren't exactly accurate to what the Bible teaches. For example, one of my favourites, while not shying away from teaching about hell, teaches that it is where satan lives, is in charge and will torture unsaved. The Bible however teaches us that currently the world is where satan is (1 Peter 5:8) but that hell was created by God as a place for satan and the demons to be punished as well as unbelievers (Rev 20:7-15) and that it is Jesus who is in charge of hell (Rev 1:18).

Always correct with Scripture
With all and any area we feel needs more clarity or correction give a Scripture reference - this safeguards our correction and means our teaching is less likely to go in wrong directions.

Scripture is the rule of our faith and practice and unless we can point to why we are teaching our children something we should refrain from changing what other, more learned and Biblically informed people have written.

All of my kids books have pencil lines and corrections like this in them, even the very best of kids Bibles . . .

Tomorrow we'll pray
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online

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