Saturday, 10 March 2012

Piers Morgan interviews Mark Driscoll

we Sky+'d Piers Morgan's interview with Mark Driscoll last night and watched this morning. Driscoll is superb in these sort of things, it reminded me of this debate from a few years ago. The videos are becoming available on the side stream of  Piers's Blog.

One striking thing that Barbara and i both agreed fully with is when Driscoll bounces off the question about homosexuality, declared the Biblical view and then hammered hard against the American (i'd also say western) problem of men who do not commit to marriage, fatherhood and responsibility. Piers also jumped on this and i think it is certainly something to think about.

We (the Church) seem to be hitting hard against homosexuality, it's perhaps the hottest topic in culture vs church, yet with all our speaking, shouting or protesting we seem to be neglectful in speak against sin in general. And the sin of men walking away from families has got to be a major blight in our culture affecting not only wives & children, but our society at large.
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online

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