Friday, 9 March 2012

Crave The Sweet Word of God

"Crave the sweet food of the Word of God. That is the beginning of holiness--to crave God’s Word. Is it worth craving? I shout an emphatic, "Yes!" Crave it, for it will satisfy. Food hasn’t satisfied you for but a nanosecond; God’s Word will satisfy you from this moment on, even throughout eternity.

Read the Word, until you long for it. Read the Word until missing your time in it in the morning is unthinkable. Read the Word until you pant for it. Read the Word, after you have tasted that it is good.

Read the Word, until you have read every book of the Bible and have favorites. Read the Word, and cling to the promises of sanctification. Read the Word that you may grow up in your salvation.

The Word is the key to holiness, to growing up in your faith. If you love the Word and God’s commands, you will become more and more like Jesus Christ. Read the Word that you may become holy. You are a teenager, so you are probably young in your faith. Crave the Word that you may grow up in your salvation. I hope you may "in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ."
John Piper

Via Eve Nash
Author Image

About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online

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