Thursday 7 July 2011

Note To Self

Note To Self

"The idea of preaching the gospel to ourselves is getting more press these days, but the actual work of preaching to ourselves seems to be slow in coming. We hear the basic concept and think, 'of course, I need to do that.' But where do we start? What does it mean? [And] how do we actually do it?"

If the statement above rings true, then Joe Thorn's book NOTE TO SELF PB (Re: Lit Books)
may be an aid too consider grabbing and using. Each 'Note To Self' is very short, so it's not chapters of reading each day, but great notes in regards to Scriptural topics that will help form a habit of preaching to yourself.

While having read the forward and introduction individually, Barbara & i are beginning the process of reading each note together. The forward by Sam Storms is worth the price of the book in itself, as he outlines for us why Joe writes with the "assumption that the truth of God's written Word is unparalleled in its capacity to change a human heart." And gives us the very reason why this book and hopefully a continuation of preaching to ourselves is so important.

I may write more about this over the next while as we make our way through the book, but for now here's an interview with Joe talking to Justin Taylor about the book

Justin Taylor Interview: Joe Thorn, "Note to Self" from Crossway on Vimeo.
Author Image

About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online

1 comment:

Gemma Roche said...

most excellent and encouraging