Wednesday 6 July 2011

Creativity, Expressiveness & Responsiveness


Creativity, Expressiveness and Responsiveness are great qualities in dealing with many situations.
For example, in regards to proclaiming the Gospel whether from a pulpit, or a coffee table, or even just to ourselves ;

Creativity is often a great means of explaining things in an interesting and memorable way. Jesus was very creative in His use of parables.

Expressiveness over who God is and all that He has done for us; genuine expressions of our delight, joy and satisfaction in Him; along with sorrow over sin, suffering and corruption often authenticate the message we bring. After all who is going to listen to us if we have not first tasted of the Lord's goodness.

Responsiveness is a core element as we seek to respond to the spiritual needs of the person(s) we speak to or as we respond to their questions, doubts & fears.
We also long to see God respond to His promise that faith comes by hearing the Word of God, along with many other promises in regards to teaching/preaching etc...
We also want to see a personal response of worship as we and the hearers respond to what is before us in God's Word. This is basically worship, not just singing or words of praise but a life response of obedience to the Gospel.

And these are ingredients for many other arenas of life. What child doesn't want a dad to play with them in creative, expressive, responsive games? What guest will be bored of these qualities in a host? What spouse does not long for creativity, expressiveness & responsiveness in romance & lovemaking? What employee or employer does not respect these qualities in the business world? And what fan does not admire these qualities in the star they adore?
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online

1 comment:

Boaly said...

While i dont want to add to the main body of the post i also think that these are 3 out of infinite qualities we admire in God - In creativeness He made the world and all that is in it. In expressiveness He gave us His Word to reveal Himself to us. And in responsiveness He responded to our sin and rebellion by sending His Son to redeem us. And continues to respond to our needs, prayers & supplications.