Yesterday was Palm Sunday, the day Jesus entered Jerusalem on a colt that had never been ridden. At Church, Roy Gamble brought much out of this but i'd like to highlight one thought in particular. As usual with my notes my thoughts tend to get mixed in so this isn't a word for word thing.
Four main groups of people can be seen at Palm Sunday, the question is ; 'which of these groups would we be in?'
These are those who were out & out against Jesus.
Four main groups of people can be seen at Palm Sunday, the question is ; 'which of these groups would we be in?'
These are those who were out & out against Jesus.
These are those who are full of enthusiasm & pour a blast of energy into it. At palm Sunday the crowd was like this, but one week later we see their enthusiasm channeled toward Jesus' death. It's enthusiasm & excitement over a latest trend than over God.
These are those who are committed followers of Jesus come what may, whether it's a triumphal entry or a bloody death. I guess this is where we'd all like to place ourselves.
*Roy also pointed out that although the colt had never been ridden, thus never broken in this way, it submitted to Jesus & did not resist Him. This donkey is a great example to us, as we tend to kick against authority & resist placing ourselves under someones rule. However like this donkey we ought to submit without resistance to the call & purpose that Jesus has for us.