Not only did He use Sriptural & Natural illustrations, but Jesus used very real aspects of life around him & from the culture to illustrate what He taught. Here's a few examples of His Real-Life-Illustrations:
1. The Sower who went out to sow (Matt 13:2)
2. The Enemy Sowing tares (Matt 13:24)
3. Finding a treasure in a field (Matt 13:44)
4. A merchant seeking a valueable pearl (Matt 13:45)
5. Fishermen casting a dragnet (Matt 13:47)
6. A woman putting leaven in a meal (Matt 13:33)
7. Two builders constructing houses (Matt 7:24)
8. The Shepherd seeking his lost sheep (Matt 18:12)
9. A woman seeking lost silver (Luke 15:8)
10. The prodical son (Luke 15:11)
11. Debtors (Luke 7:41)
12. Labourers in a vineyard (Matt 20:1)
13. Virgins at a wedding (Matt 25:1)
(This list could continue through pretty much all of the parables)