Monday 17 June 2019

Nothing Prepares You to be a Dad - Part One


I remember my marriage preparation 'classes' with the pastor who married us. And while I'm grateful for them and especially the idea of them, I have yet to meet someone who has said those lessons before marriage really helped us when the ring went on the finger.

One area that is a huge shock to the system is fatherhood. I've four now, and all at very different stages of grammar school, primary school and nursery. But setting my own experience of fatherhood aside it is easy to see the stress and strain in others, especially new dads.

Here's my advice:

1 - It's only for a season.
I've been saying that for the past 12 years now, and every time I thought I was past a season, one of the younger ones would move into it. But the tiredness, stress and general life zapping period will end. Suck it up, tighten up that belt and act like a man even if all you really wanna do is curl up under the bed.

2 - Pull your weight
The primary responsibility for life in the home is not your wife's. God made Adam (man) and gave him a helper. Your wife is your helper. 
Think of it like a tradesman and an apprentice; you are the one with whom the job lands and your apprentice/helper hands you the tools you need, and does smaller jobs to help along. But make no doubt about it; It is your job to raise those kids and make a home. That includes not just family devotions but cleaning, washing, ironing and a myriad of other jobs that land on our shoulders as men. Yes our wives will help, but responsibility is ours.

3 - Devotions
I've tried a million ways, like doing them separately and at various times. Recently I've landed as all together before the younger ones go to bed and then praying individually as they go to bed. But find what's best for you. What to do? That's the easy part - if nothing else we have Scripture.
It's the doing it that is the hardest part.  
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online

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