Wednesday 14 May 2014

Keep Going

Over the past couple of days in Revival Movement one of the folders has been giving a lot of problems. I've been neglecting my own machine to try and help get it sorted but it seems that no matter what direction we take, it makes no difference and the machine continues to destroy the books running through it.

Isn't life like that at times, you get a kick, then another one and when you're lying on the floor thinking things can only get better another kick lands in the teeth. Try as we may, we just don't seem to get anywhere in a situation or we feel that we fail time and time again. It may be in regards to some sin or the weight that so easily trips us up; our attempts to overcome or lay it aside never seem to work.

Today a friend wore a t-shirt to work with the declaration that it was especially for me, to help encourage me to keep working at this particular machine. Quite relevant.

Keep going, don't tap out . . .
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online

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