Monday, 14 January 2013

Books Change Preaching

We heard this morninig, in Revival Movement Association, letters of testimony today from pastors & church leaders in Nigeria of how the books from Revival Publishing are bringing depth and solid theology to their sermons.

These are timeless books from authors such as Spurgeon, Moody, Ryle et al and it's pretty exciting to see how these Christ is still using the words of these guys to build His leaders and proclaim His Word . . .
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online


Sid Garland said...

We in ACTS (Africa Christian TextbookS) strongly believe that books change preaching. We are encouraged that in partnership with Revival Movement we have been able to get these good books to about 2000 pastors. We work through the church leaders (many of them my former students) to deliver the books at their annual ministry conferences. God is working and we give him all the glory.

Boaly said...

Since i 1st heard that the book ministry was happening in work i've been excited and my constant prayer has been that Christ would use them in the growth of His people & to help leaders become more theological, firmly rooted in The Word.

Praising God for RMA & ACTS