Monday 19 September 2011

Praying for my Children

Over time the prayers i pray for my children have developed a certain pattern that has become quite obvious to me. I haven't intentionally meant it to go this way but whether my prayer is expressed through pen, tongue or thought, my heart cannot escape these issues as i bring Jacob & Faith before God. In posting the skeleton of these i hope they may be of some encouragement and use to other parents.

That Jesus would call them to Himself & nothing hinder their drawing close & pursuit of Him (Matt 19:13-15).
That they would be sealed, filled and walk by the Spirit of God throughout their lives (Eph 1:13, Eph 5:18, Gal 5:16). 
That they would store up the Word of God in their hearts (Ps 119:11), & be Sanctified by it (John 17:17). 
That the fruits of the Spirit would flourish abundantly in their lives (Gal 5:22-25) giving no footing for the works of the flesh. 
That they would stand firm against the evil one (Eph 6:11). 
That they would obey the commission to make disciples (Matt 28:18-20). 
That God would supply all their needs (Phil 4:19). 
That they may face suffering with a Gospel saturated hope in Christ (Col 2:24). 
That they will love God with their whole heart, soul mind & strength, and love their neighbour as they love themselves (Mark 12:30).

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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online

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