Daddy's Job
How To?
I remember having lunch (if burger king counts as lunch) with Thabiti Anyabwile, and i asked him his advice on family devotions. His answer was so simple yet affecting.
"What to do is the easy thing, you just need to do it."He had discerned well that i'd been so focussed on what to do that i'd let the whole thing bog me down & nothing was getting done. And it is the essence of that answer i would pass on to any father; don't focus on what to do, focus on doing it. Even if it's just a few verses from your Bible, or a Bible story with application from your memory, it is something.
A constant fight to open the Word to our children will hopefully instill within them a habit and an understanding of how important it is to read and study Scripture.
Tools I Use
- My Bible
- My mind
(this is brilliant)
- The Children's Bible
- The Lamb
(This is a bit old for Jake but interpreting the text for him helps)
*I should say that i fall short of my own advice on many occasions and apart from Jacob's insistence i'd easily skip a night or two. And that all this is useless apart from private prayer on behalf of our children