Tuesday, 13 April 2010

So You Want the Perfect Bible

A site i've found myself reading regularly is the Bible Design Blog. I guess working in the finishing department of a printing mission has placed an appreciation for well finished books etc, and no book deserves a better finsh than the Word of God.

I join many in regarding Allan to be of the finest Bible binders (perhaps i'm biased).
If you have a Bible bound by Allan's you really don't need to read the rest of this post . . . seriously you don't.

One of the things i've often thought of is 'what if someone loves the Bible they have, but, without changing the actual pages (text block, personal notes etc) they'd love to change to a higher quality binding and add their own personal touch (extra ribbons) ?'

Now there's a guy called Paul Preston who will build a Bible to your specifications or rebind your old one with the binding of your choice.

Matthew Blair (The Foolish Galatian) writes about Paul:
"Sure there are binders out there that can offer custom work. But you will not likely find one with such a burning passion for Gods word..."

Check out Bible Restorations.
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online


Bob said...

Paperbacks have there place, but if a book is worth binding, bind it well!

Interesting post.

Family Blogs said...

The Allen imprint looks fantastic Gary. Like you I often nip across to the Bible design blog, but sometimes I'm a bit freaked out by how many Bibles people who comment in the meta are willing to buy. There must come a point where people have enough goatskin/calfskin/pigskin/moleskin/sheepskin bindings to last at least a lifetime:)

I think the rebinding idea is brilliant. I've a couple of Bibles which look like they've been in the wars, but I want to keep using them. There's a guy down near Ballynahinch does rebinding as well.

Blog still going well Gary - I visit it most days. Hoping to get Double Postlessness (sorry Usefulness) up and running properly again in the near future.


Boaly said...

It is unbelievable how many Bibles some people have, and the expense of them . . . not sure it's actually justifiable?

Didn't realize there was a guy near Ballynahinch rebinds, good to know about it.

Excited to heare you may return to blogging, Double Usefulness is class!

How're things with you guys?

Family Blogs said...

Yeah, keeping well thanks Gary. Getting settled back to life in NI and getting active in ministry again.

Blessings to you and yours.

Boaly said...

Thats good news bro!