My good friend Simon Thompson said the following to me a few nights ago as we were talking about any possible 247 events. I thought it was a clear question that cuts through to my own hearts desire in speaking to/with people. And without his permission i decided to share it here
"Do we want to be a link in the chain of their growth (being practical) or are we tour guides bringing them to a spot and letting God deal and let them work it all out with Him. I know it may seem semantics but each will attract their own people and will need to be geared to fit the goal?"
Realizing that this may change from message-to-message; text-to-text; and depend a huge deal on who we're talking to, my heart burned to be the tour guide, lead people to a destination and stepping back so that they can see the majestic, transcendent God. And to let God deal with the response of that.
How about you?