My blog template seems to be messing up a bit. It's a standard template designed by blogger.
A few people have complimented it, and a few have found it hard to read. Others felt that my old banner with the cross spoke volumes about what the blog is about and feel I should bring it back.
What are your thought?
Here's a trial design i'm working on
I do sway towards bloggers designing their own look. This speaks volumes about who we are and what we are about. Then again, when i look at previous designs i've done i feel ashamed (if not a little sick), so perhaps a supplied design is best!
I do appreciate your thoughts. Although i mainly write as an expression of and for myself i want those who do read Homileo to find it asthetically pleasing/restful/easy.
*UPDATE: Since it's Easter i decided to move over to this design. (Plus a few glitches were doing my head in). But I still appreciate, and have appreciated your input. I'll put the trial blog over to what i had here so you can still compare.