Thursday 1 October 2009

Spirit Filled Children

". . . and he (John the Baptist) will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mothers womb."
Luke 1:15

John the baptist was unlike many other humans. Even Jesus declared this when He said in Matthew 11:11 "Truly, I say to you, among those born of women there has arisen no one greater than John the Baptist." However, John was entirely human & only human, unlike his 'God-man' second-cousin Jesus.

For that reason Luke 1:15 shocked me a few nights ago as i read it. This child was filled with the Spirit even from his mothers womb. Think of it; as a baby & toddler John was filled with the Spirit.

As a dad i've been praying certain things for my 2 year old since the day he was born; 1 that he would respond to Jesus persistent call; 2 that nothing would hinder him from pursuing Christ, 3 that when he is a Christian he will live a Spirit filled life. . . (and my list goes on). I've placed being Spirit filled after salvation for obvious reasons.

But Luke 1:15 indicates that the Spirit of God can fill children from the womb. This shakes things up a bit in my mind; can i pray that Jacob will, even now, be filled with the Holy Spirit?

I guess so, but as dad & head i must take my responsibility serious & fill him with the knowledge of the gospel; teaching him and admonishing him, disciplining & instructing him in the Scriptures. And pray like absolute crazy that the Spirit will work upon his young life, driving the Word of God to his mind, to his heart & to his life.
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online


Anonymous said...

I completely agree and am happy to read that you realise your responsibility as dad to pray for your child even before he/she is born!

I was part of an outreach year with Global Challenge ( and while painting a Christian orphanage in India, one of my friends asked us what we think of the possibility of a child being born Spirit filled. That made me think a lot and we also referred to the John the baptist.

We agreed that prayer (praying like crazy! :) ) is crucial!

We also wondered if the motive of the act in which the child are concepted plays a role, whether it is a spiritual act of worship to God or just a sexual act to pleasure oneself.

May your children be spirit filled and may the Lord bless your obedience to his Word!!!

Boaly said...

Thanks anonymous!
That's a great question about the act in which the child is conceived, something to ponder