"Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you."
John 16:7
This verse has been bugging me for a couple of days. Jesus actually tells us that it is for our 'advantage' that He ascended to heaven, leaving us, so that the Spirit could come.
I guess in our minds we all nod in agreement to this, but in practice i'm not so sure our lives really declare this to be the case.
You see i, (and possibly most of us), live in ways characterized by Jesus absence rather than the Spirits presence. I guess we all would say that if Jesus were here in person we would live better, more faithful, God glorifying lives, avoiding sin while trying to please & impress Him.
Yet Jesus thought different, He tells us that it is advantageous for Him to be gone & His Spirit to have come. I guess it's time to be characterized by The Spirit's presence; putting sin to death; living unto God; doing works; and having the fruits of the Spirit grow in abundance.
Oh Christ may we live in the truth that although You have gone, You sent Your Spirit to us. May we live lives characterized by Your Spirit's indwelling presence & power.
I guess in our minds we all nod in agreement to this, but in practice i'm not so sure our lives really declare this to be the case.
You see i, (and possibly most of us), live in ways characterized by Jesus absence rather than the Spirits presence. I guess we all would say that if Jesus were here in person we would live better, more faithful, God glorifying lives, avoiding sin while trying to please & impress Him.
Yet Jesus thought different, He tells us that it is advantageous for Him to be gone & His Spirit to have come. I guess it's time to be characterized by The Spirit's presence; putting sin to death; living unto God; doing works; and having the fruits of the Spirit grow in abundance.
Oh Christ may we live in the truth that although You have gone, You sent Your Spirit to us. May we live lives characterized by Your Spirit's indwelling presence & power.
For Further Reflection
If you or i awake tomorrow and the Holy Spirit has left us, would our lives be any different than today?
If you or i awake tomorrow and the Holy Spirit has left us, would our lives be any different than today?