Friday 7 August 2009

Slowing Down

I'm moving to the new Every Home Crusade factory over the next few days. Since there is not yet any internet & my training on my new folder begins on 18th August my blogging may slow down. I'll still try to post as often as i can, but it may take a bit of a hit, just thought i'd mention it ~ just in case. . .

Don't worry though, once my training is done & i get used to the new machine & internet access is available i'll be able to persue my addiction here.
Author Image

About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online


Anthony said...

No worries, a little withdrawl can be a good thing. With all the new machines in the new factory will output/production increase or stay about the same?

Boaly said...

It'll increase us dramatically, my machine for example will output 4 times as many tracts per hour.

Faster, bigger but yet easy to run - hopefully

If you are interested in a couple of books about the work feel free to email your address me at i'll post them out.