But yesterday this faithful servant of ours broke, and not just broke but went to absolute pieces with the drum flying out onto the kitchen floor, serving as just one of countless reminders that everything in our dominion is dysfunctional, that thistles & thorns grow up and that our tasks are never straight forward.
In Genesis 2:18 we are told that "Both thistles & thorns [the earth] will bring forth for you... ...in the sweat of your face you shall eat bread".
And how true this is, which of us have not experienced frustration & difficulties at work or at home as things don't go according to plan, they rust, wear & tear? 'Thistles & thorns' get in our way.
This curse itself is a reminder that as that which is under us & serves us is frustrating & difficult toward us, as it breaks etc, that we too are broken, dysfunctional & frustrating in the hands of God our creator. Thistles & thorns are a constant reminder of sin in our lives.
So as our faithful washing machine broke, it serves to remind & warn that even faithful servants of God have a tendency to break down -
We still have thistles & thorns!