Last month, May '08, Every Home Crusade shipped the following:
Belguim -
10,000 'Meet the King' booklets
10,000 tracts
Bulgaria -
100,00 Children tracts
Brazil -
3 million Gospel tracts
250,000 Gospels of John
100,00 Scripture booklets
Hungary -
100,00 'Meet the King'
50,000 tracts
Romania -
50,000 'Meet the King'
50,000 tracts
40,000 other booklets
Togo -
80,000 booklets
Ivory Coast -
200,000 Gospel of John
100,000 Scripture Booklets
India -
18 Tonnes of various publications including Gospel of John, Scripture Booklets, tracts, Children lessons...
[As well as these there were many other parcels and smaller quanities and orders sent out around the World]
*Please pray that as the literature reaches these countries that Christ may use it for His glory, to encourage, teach & exhort believers & for the reaching of those who do not believe, that many may turn to Jesus in faith.