Wednesday 16 May 2007

Talk about what you love!

Deuteronomy 6:4-7

Just a few thoughts on this passage as to how it relates to us in the New Covenant.

Verse 4 begins "Hear, O Israel: THE LORD our God, the LORD is one". We begin at a point where we need to learn about God. We do not naturaly know about God nor do we naturally know God, He needs to reveal Himself to us by His word and by other poeple who can explain or teach His word to us. So we need to pay attention and listen to the word of God.

Verse 5 tells us to Love THE LORD our God with all our heart, soul and strength, which Jesus later tells us is the greatest commandment. When God is revealed to us, when we hear of His glories, works and majesty the response of one who truly understands what is being revealed about God is to love Him!

Verse 6 teaches or lays a principle that we are to treasure up the Word of God in our hearts, commit it to memory and cling, trust and live in the light of the Bible which is God's revelation and command to the human race.

Verse 7 tells us that we are to carefully teach this Bible to our children, talk about it when we are in our houses, when we are out and about, when we go to bed and when we get up in the morning!
The principle here is that because God has revealed Himself, His son, His redemption to us, and because we love Him we are to talk about Him. As humans we naturally talk about the people, films, places or things we love and if we really love God and Jesus that will be no different.
We are to teach our children, they have alot of contact with us so it is natural that we will tell those children who we love about The God we love and want them to know!
In the house as we generally chat, because we love Jesus we'll talk about Him; "Wait to you hear what bob done today" will become "wait to you here what God done today" or "What's on tv tonight" may become "What chapter of the Bible are we on tonight", "nice weather" becomes "Class God" and so on!
And that overflows into our everyday life, as we go about our daily buisness, at work, socially, out for a walk, driving our cars, rather than boasting of the latest films or games and saying "go see..." we talk about Jesus; "Have you read..." "No, ah bro' go read it, its in Chapter...".

In summary (and this has been a messy thought on my behalf and a poorly written post),
# We need to learn [hear] of the LORD God.
# When we understand who the LORD is we respond by loving Him.
# We learn His word and commit it to our hearts and lives.
# We teach our family of this great God.
# Because He is our greatest love, our topic of conversation, generally comes back to Him.
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online

1 comment:

Gemma Roche said...

this is class too...(sorry i havent read ur longer posts recently but im making up now!) wouldnt it be wonderful if we could live these verses out in our families...seems impossible but that is when we consider doing it in our own strength.