Friday 18 May 2007

Clean and Unclean?

A while ago Justin Taylor posted on his blog recommending a series of lectures by Jay Sklar on how Leviticus relates to the Christian. You can check his post out here.
I've been listening through them and i'm greatly enjoying them.
One thing that Jay looks at is the different reasons or theories that have been put forward as to why one animal is declared clean and another unclean.

Just out of curiosity I would like to ask anyone reading this what they understand, think or have been taught concerning why certain animals were declared by God to be clean and others to be unclean?
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online

1 comment:

Tim Millen said...

Brother the first mention of certain animals being clean and unclean is way back in Genesis 7 verse 2.
"You shall take with you seven each of every clean animal, a male and his female; two each of animals that are unclean, a male and his female;"

Henry Morris in his book "The Genesis Record" makes a few interesting points about this. He says that "It seems likely that the clean animals were those ajudged suitable for domestication and a form of fellowship with man, and thus also suitable for sacrificial offerings in atonement for man. Since no previous categorization of animals as "nlean" or "unclean" is given in Genesis, it is perhaps most reasonable to believe that God allowed Noah to use his own judgement on this." He goes on to say that "much later, the Mosaic law plainly spelled out which animals were to be regarded as clean in the Israelite system (Leviticus 11, etc.), though all such distinctions were to be removed altogether in the Christian dispensation (Acts 10:9-15; 1st Tim 4:4)."