Thursday 23 November 2006

Messages are often a struggle

In less than two weeks, Sat 2nd Dec, I'll be standing to give a message to a group of guys at the Worship 247 weekend! The title and theme is "reflecting God as men" which is basically a message on how we as men ought to show Christ in this world and in our lives!
For all those going, pray hard for me, i've around eight messages written out in full and none of them are burning in me! Bits of them all are though!
Pray that the Holy Spirit will help me in preparation and that I may trust Him for it!
So far what is burning in my heart for the men that Saturday is a mere skeleton of a message and even then I think many bones are missing!

I don't know what manner of shape it will take, but I trust that with God's help; flesh will form, and not just that but this skeleton of thoughts may move past flesh into clothing, style and all with one purpose; that the very message itself may reflect God to us!
My analogy of the message taking flesh etc is prob flawed greatly
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online

1 comment:

johnboy said...

God certainly did help you brother in answer to prayer and through His sovereign rule...there was such a stillness in the room at the time but also an ease whereby brothers in Him, the great I AM, could share and participate and laugh...thank you brother in your role in the organisation of the weekend through God and also thanks to barbara, david, simon, kerry and sam in their vital roles throughout the weekend...i know people were met in mighty ways, there were prayers, tears, much searching of hearts, friendships built upon and made but i truly believe that throughout the weekend what stood out was our unity in our glorification to God! let us pray for each brother and sister who were on the weekend