Thursday 28 July 2011

Chronicles is as relevant Today as it was to its original reader

The books of Chronicles were written for readers in the 4th century who were not living in the glory days of Israel. Rather they were under the foot of foreign kings. Michael Wilcock in his book The Message of Chronicles, wonderfully draws a parallel with our own day;

"The centuries pass by, and we 2,300 years later, find ourselves in a situation like, yet unlike. The Messianic hope has come true, and in a sense history has repeated itself. The throne has again been set up in the person of a flesh-and-blood king, a 'son of David. But he, though alive with endless life, is like his fourth-century ancestors no longer visibly enthroned in Jerusalem. This is why the chronicler's situation so plainly foreshadows our own.
For us, as for him, the people of God no longer count for anything in terms of secular influence among the kingdoms of this world."

Before being discouraged, lets remember that Chronicles was penned while God was still on the throne, ruling over the hearts of men like Cyrus, who's decree 4th century Jews probably knew well. He also used men and women like Nehemiah, Ezra & Esther.

We may not be living in the glory days of the Church, the events of the Gospels and the accounts of Acts may seem foreign to us. Personally when i read books about the revivals & awakenings of history i feel left out & am aware i'm missing something. But it is as obvious today as it was in past times that God rules over all and He is in the business of using men & women like you or i.

Perhaps God is using you in a similar way as He worked in & through people back then;

  • Like Ezra you have been gifted by God with knowledge of the Word so you can teach His people. 
  • Like Nehemiah, God gives you favor in the eyes of others so that you may be sent to confront the sins of, and by His strength rebuild (revive) His people.
  • Maybe God is moving quietly and unnoticed in your life to direct and shape you for a specific time when He will call upon you to risk it all for His kingdom, just as He did with Esther.
  • As with Mordecai you may be facing secular & ungodly influences to bow your knee far from Christ. Or
  • Like the many names listed in Nehemiah 3 you are playing your part unknown to the world, but known by Jesus and forming a vital link in the chain of His Kingdom work on earth.
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online

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