Monday 27 June 2011

John's Gospel Being Greatly Used In Africa

Last week Sam Adams and I returned from a twelve day trip to Mozambique and South Africa. The purpose of our visit was to see how the Lord was using the literature of Revival Movement to further his Kingdom. The lack of bibles and other Christian material is sobering. Some of the Mozambiqan Pastors have no bibles and rely soley on John's Gospel to teach their people. I was speaking to one Pastor about what I should preach on during my visit. He said: 'Whatever you do, don't preach on John's Gospel as they hear it every week'!

In South Africa we met with the leader of an organisation called 'Judea Harvest'. Their work is being greatly used by the Lord to introduce people to Jesus and establish them in their Christain faith. They use the John's Gospels from Revival Movement for both evangelism and discipleship. They have constructed a thorough discipleship course using the Gospel of John. Judea Harvest have a vision to reach millions across Africa with the message of salvation. Check out their program to teach new converts - it's called 'John's Journey'
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About Anonymous
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online

1 comment:

Boaly said...

Staggered to think of many people with only a small portion of God's word.

Thanks brother for this guest post, very sobering when i consider the countless Bibles on my shelves.

Judea Harvest looks great, can't wait to hear more about it.