Friday 23 July 2010

Growing Up In Church - Children

Parents will do anything to keep their kids silent and behaving in church, longing for that moment when the collection is taken, and the children leave for children's church. A certain sigh of 'Freedom' is released and parents relax, knowing that they no longer have to pin the fruit of their loins to the pew seat.

The three of us sat in the same seat every week, and each week we enjoyed playing peek-a-boo or some other game with the child in front. This created one hyped up kid, especially when Wilky shared some sweets with him.
Occasionally his parents would hand him backwards to sit with us. Upon reflection i guess this was to let us deal with the 'problem' we'd created.

Anyway, three 18-23 year olds making a kid hyper in church isn't really what parents want. Now i'm a parent the weight of keeping my kids silent is heavily upon my shoulders. Especially last week when the worship leader said "Let's pray" and Jacob yelled "I don't want to pray" before poking Barbara and with microphone voice said "Wake up mum, wake up"

Sorry guys for the years we made church uncomfortable for you by making your child hyper during the service
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online

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