"It is blessed to eat into the very soul of the Bible, until at last you come to talk in Scriptural language, and your spirit is flavoured with words of the Lord, so that your blood is Bibline and the very essence of the Bible flows from you. Hundreds of times I surely felt the presence of God in the page of Scripture."C.H. Spurgeon
Last year (2009) i thought about the possibility of standing before God and never having read every Word of His Book. How would i feel?
I began reading, and when i finished i had had the greatest experience of God so far. So i began again and currently i'm on a journey through the Bible scribbling notes about the character of God as i come to revelations, declarations and descriptions of Him.
It is great, and again, it beats anything i've ever done before as I pray each time, and long to know Him more clearly and to love Him with each glance of who He is, as Scripture reveals Him.
I now think that for as long as i live, i'll harp on with one cry of advice to younger believers, and believers in general:
Read the Bible.