Mission Overview:
Seamen's Christian Friend Society (SCFS)
exists to relate the love of God in word and deed to vast oceans of seafarers who daily visit our shores from all over the world. SCFS has port missionaries in the UK, Ireland, Europe and worldwide.
SCFS is an international, non-denominational seamen's mission. It was established in England in 1846 and has a solid reputation internationally in the care of seafarers.
We really value your prayers and support. Thank you for your interest in our unique missionfield. :-)
Our ministry is funded by people like you. Please contribute if you can, and please pray for us. We treasure your prayer support! :-)
We exist for the extension of God's Kingdom amongst seafarers. SCFS - World mission on our doorstep!
Ships visited range from warships to fishing boats; from car-carriers to oil tankers; from bulkers to research + from containers to cruise liners.
Please stand with us as we offer friendship, practical & spiritual help to these nomads of the sea, who are sometimes away from home for up to 3 years
Seafarers are nomads of the watery deserts we call oceans!
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