Friday 30 October 2009

Reformation Day Thoughts ~ Printing


Martin Luther
On 31 October 1517 Martin Luther wrote 95 theses dealing with indulgences. This act is attributed as the moment that kick started the reformation, and although many others played major roles we do not have the time or space in this post to mention them all.

The printing press which was developed by Gutenberg around 1440, quickly became the main method of spreading the reformed teachings and views. Printing catapulted reformed doctrines and teachings around the world, along with the greatest gifts that man can have; the Bible in vernacular languages as it allowed for fast & vast production.

Printing Today
Today's technologies may have changed but it's fair to say that 'the book' is one of the greatest inventions (yes even better than the ipod). Whether online or in paper we all benefit from words, especially the words of life found in the Bible.

Things have changed, especially here in the west when it comes to the effectiveness of tracts, booklets and leaflets etc. However in many countries around our world it is still of great value and Christ is using it mightily.

Hundreds of letters each day coming into Revival Movement Association testify of this. Or the fact that yesterday my folder ran at over 60,000 tracts per hour as another machine beside me ran around 60,000 Gospels of John in the day. And that's only mentioning 2 of our machines.
And this goes on 5 days a week because people in Africa, South America, India, Russia, Asia etc are hungering for copies or portions of God's Word in their own language along with the means of spreading it to others.

Thank You Father for the reformation, for those You used in it and for the other tools you used such as the printing press. Thank You that You still use 'the book' and we pray that as many people receive, even portions of Your Word that Your Spirit will work in their lives.

Work in our lives through Your Word.
Jesus asked that You sanctify us by the truth, Your Word is truth, and so we pray that as we read it today that You will use it effectively in our lives for Your glory.

Ecclesia Reformata, Semper Reformanda
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online


heartafire said...

What a great post about Reformation day and the printing press! I can imagine how particularly you feel God's hand on your life.

Boaly said...

How are you heartafire? I am so thankful that He's permitted me, and called me into the printing area of ministry.
Thank God for 'the book'