Thursday 29 October 2009

Messed Up People Hear & Rejoice In The Gospel, Yet Ignore It


"For Herod feared John, knowing that he was a righteous and holy man, and he kept him safe. When he heard him, he was greatly perplexed, and yet he heard him gladly."
Mark 6:20

Herod was a messed up man. Yet he knew the truth of John's message, and indeed the direct message about Herod's own sin. Look at the what the text tells us about Herod;
He knew John was a righteous and holy man. He was perplexed by John's teachings yet was glad to listen to him.

I've met a few people like this; men & women who attend church every week, listening to solid Biblical, Christ exalting and Gospel saturated sermons. I've been in their cars as they play old time gaspel music from the CD players. Yet sadly they are the first to admit that they do not know Christ as LORD or Saviour.

I wonder just how many, go to church each week; enjoying sermons, singing and even when perplexed by a message, they listen with gladness.
Yet freely admit that they don't know Jesus.

I'm not sure how Herod slept at night, but i'm sure he made excuses; "I'm married to her now and I should honour that vow" . . . or something along those lines.
Likewise i'm sure similar people today salve their consciences with excuses.
But when it boils right down to it the basic fact remains:

They love sin way more than the Gospel that they gladly listen and acknowledge to be true.

Herod proved this in his own life, a few verses later he gives John's head in payment for his stepdaughter to do a lap dance for him.
It doesn't matter as to the extent of sin; whether its for sexual pleasure like Herod or just for a small lie, rejection of Christ for sin is and always will be 'Rejection of Christ for sin.'

Here's the thing for the Church - How Do We Go About Reaching These People?
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online


jimflem said...

Unfortunately Boaly, not everyone is going to react positively to the Gospel for whatever reason, I'm thinking here of the Parable of the Sower. Our responsibility is to give the opportunity of hearing and responding to the Good News of Jesus and leave the rest to God............

Boaly said...

Agreed Jim, but surely we have responsability to draw alongside & lovingly, graciously & Biblically attempt to point it all out to them. Much like John & indeed Jesus confronted Herod quite harshly over his sin?

The parable of the sower is a great example of how some hear & yet don't hear, see and yet don't hear.