Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Where's your heart?

Do you love Jesus? Simple question. Simple answer. The only problem, in answering the question, is the human heart; we try to define, defend, excuse and explain. It becomes love in relative terms- I love Him more than TV but less than gossip; I love Him more than gossip but less than food or money; more than lust but less than popularity and status; and the list goes on.

What about another question; is Jesus happy with love in relative terms? Is He happy just to be loved at all and not too concerned over the fine details? Surely He would be happy with half a heart rather than none, right?

Not so! Jesus addresses the issue of our devotion in the Sermon on the Mount. He wants us to consider where our treasure is; what it is that we supremely value and whether that treasure is earthly or heavenly; the things of the world or the things of God (Matt 6v19-21). He tells us to be careful of our spiritual condition, the type of eye we have (Matt 6V22-23), as it will determine what we treasure; what we live for, hope in, bank our security on.

To leave us in no doubt, Jesus also answers our question for us; the question of love and service. In verse 24 He makes a very clear statement. Jesus doesn’t say that we should not, nor even that we must not, but simply that we cannot serve two masters. If God is not our supreme love and desire, an appropriate question would be, do I really love Him at all not do I love Him enough. I know from reading the testimonies of God’s people, throughout Scripture, many of us go through times where our love grows cold and our focus shifts, but as a way of life, as a common practice, it is not possible to serve two masters; it is not possible to love God whilst in the process of loving the world. Christ does not condemn having a place for the legitimate things of this world; He is trying to correct a balance of us valuing, loving, devoting ourselves to those things and not to Him!

Is He our supreme desire? The One we treasure? Our hope, our contentment, our security, our joy? May God help us that it may be so!
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About simont
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online


Boaly said...

AMEN, may God indeed help us!

Thanks Simon.

For anyone who doesn't know Simon, if were to meet him you'd meet a man with such intensity of mind & heart that are consumed with Jesus. Every time i spend with him, i leave with a greater zeal for Christ & a greater intent in following Jesus more closely.

His passion over Christian books is amazing & he loves seeing good, solid, Scripture saturated books in the hands of others. I guess this is why he runs a book shop.

Gemma Roche said...

awesome post. thanks for this.