Wednesday 20 May 2009

Missing Link. . . Maybe Not!

There's much talk in the news about the missing link (supposedly having been found) but if you want to check out the creationist view on this, which seems pretty well informed, answers in Genesis have a great article.
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online


James said...

Missing link still missing then.
I found myself nearly screaming at the news last night that it was only a strange kind of lemur and proves nothing about our origins! Did you notice how the news coverage talked of its slow burial? Things don't fossilise if they're buried slowly they just rot. It's almost like the poor creature was caught, with the other animal fossils found in the area, in a sudden deluge of biblical proportions. ;)

Boaly said...

You are absolutely right, its so frustrating that the rules of science tend to get thrown out the window when it comes to evolution!