Friday 24 April 2009

Mark Driscoll Shouts At Men


I remember listening this sermon a couple of weeks ago, it was a challenge then. Thanks to Supersimbo for bringing it back to my attention, Marks a bit shouty here but i agree that it is entirely justified & infact i believe its called for.

My conclusion after watching this part of the sermon again: 'I need to man up!'
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online


James said...

That is a very challenging video. Thank you.

Boaly said...

James thanks for stopping by!
Yeh, Its seriously challenging, i think for any guy.

Mandy Maria said...

Ah! I cried when I saw this a couple weeks ago and sent it to my ex-boyfriend. I wish we had more pastors like Mark Driscoll. He seems really deticated to discipling godly men!

Boaly said...

I almost cried when i heard this first, mainly because a punch to the jaw would have been easier to take.

Yeh, praise God for men such as Mark who can influence other men to become more Godly

Anonymous said...

Hi Gary,

Thanks for posting this. It's a challenge which certainly needs to be heard by all of us as men.

I do, however, feel a little bit of reservation about the tone in which it is given. If the issue is aggressive men mistreating their brides, is it right to use aggression in addressing it? Is this an example of how to handle conflict or address frustration? I'm not so sure. I can't square the terms in which Driscoll speaks here with the spirit of the Pastoral Epistles with their emphasis on patience and grace in the servant of God's work.

'The Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentence leading them to a knowledge of the the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will' 2Tim 2:24-26.

That seems like a better and more Christ glorifying method of ministering to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure Driscoll had to say WHAT he said, I'm just not sure that he needed to say in they WAY he did.

Continuing to read your blog from afar.

Boaly said...

You have a point that is definately something to think about.

I do think that there are times which call for a rougher, direct approach (much like our Lord who wove a whip & showed anger driving people from the temple, but agian He had a divine right to this).

But as you say 2Tim 2:24-26 is definately an issue that must be brought to this. One that i'll have to carefully ponder over!
Thanks for bringing this up!

I'm finding myself feeling pretty encouraged by you commenting Andrew, trust things are well

heartafire said...

Sorry, but Mark Driscoll leaves me cold.
The few videos of his I have watched just strike me as inauthentic.
He is a great actor, (and he is a true believer), but I always get the feeling that his ministry is more about Mark Driscoll than it is about Jesus.

heartafire said...

OK, now that I have read the comments, theroycrofts said it better and more kindly. Had I read that first, I would not have felt the need to comment.

Boaly said...

heartafire, i can certainly appreciate why you'd feel that way about mark.