Thursday 5 March 2009

What Methods Do You Use in Prayer?

Probably like many people my private prayer life is a roller coaster with many ups but more downs, as I neglect to give time attention to God in this method of grace which He has given us. I find that to simply pray in my mind is a minefield of distraction & mind-wandering & i honestly struggle to pray any length of time. I've found 2 main methods which help me to stay focused which i thought i would share with you.

Two methods which i've found to be of use are:
Keep a prayer book - For me this looks like a Black & Red Notebook in which i scribble names, ministries & various pointers that provoke my mind toward prayer. I have developed different categories, such as 'single people,' 'married people,' 'Missions,' 'Pastors, Teachers, Preachers & Authors,' 'Christian,' 'non-christian,' & there are huge sections devoted to points of prayer for my wife & son.

Within these categories i've also developed symbols to direct me to pray for certain things. For example; if i see 'H' beside a guy's name i pray that he would be a good husband, romancing, protecting & leading his wife, washing her with the Word of God. An added 'F' directs me to pray that he would be a good dad. Other symbols point me to pray for various things for different people.

Praying through Psalms - Another method that i've found to be exceedingly helpful is to open up the book of Psalms, pick a Psalm & pray through it. This allows the Bible to direct my prayers & often i believe the Spirit directs me toward specifics & a much broader scale of prayer than simply the Words of the Psalm.

For example a couple of nights ago i prayed through Psalm 112
"Praise the LORD!" - LORD i praise you, you are the creator & sustainer of the universe... ...sorry that often times when i praise You my heart & emotions do not drive it as they ought, help me, cause me to feel like praising You more deeply & at all times.

"Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in His commandments!" - Help me too Lord in my fear, awe & reverence of You. Cause me to see Your splendour & glory, help me to fear you as i ought. Cause me to love & delight in Your commands, help me to obey.

"His offspring will be mighty in the land" - LORD i pray for Jacob, may he grow to love You, to know You, to trust Jesus as Saviour, Redeemer. To walk in Your ways. Jesus said to "suffer little children" to come to Him & "do not hinder them". Oh LORD let nothing; drugs, alcohol, sex, girlfriends, friend, me, the world, flesh, the evil one; let nothing hinder Jacob from coming to you that he might be saved. Make him mighty in the Scriptures to bring the Gospel to the lost & to declare Your glory...

And so it goes through the Psalm verse by verse letting my prayers be directed by them.

Summing it up
For me anyway these two methods have been very helpful, especially when I pray verbally; often leading to extended prayer times & outbursts of song unto God. I'd especially recommend taking time when you are in the house alone so you have freedom to pray in whatever direction the Spirit leads; eg kneeling, shouting, crying, singing, walking about...

I have to be honest in my failings and admit that i often neglect prayer & struggle with it.
It is a means of grace, or as John Piper puts it a wartime walkie talkie by which we call for air support, not an intercom by which we call the butler to fluff our pillow. It is something of utmost importance to the Christian walk, it is necessary to keep constant communication with my Master & i cannot expect to walk a close walk with Christ without prayer, after all communication is vital to any relationship...

Anyway, this has been a long post, though i trust it may be of help to someone. I'll simply finish by asking you if you have any methods of prayer that you would recommend?
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online


kitchy said...

really helpful stuff bro

Boaly said...

Thanks bro. You free some evening meet up for the craic?

Tim Millen said...

Thanks for this post brother. Great advice. I think most of us struggle with private prayer. I honestly think that there is tremendous demonic opposition against us when we want to pray. Isn't it strange how every other boring thing under the sun suddenly becomes interesting and necessary when we are about to pray? This tells me that Satan's kingdom is done mighty damage when we begin to utter only a few words to our Creator.

Satan trembles,
When he sees,
The weakest Saint,
Upon his knees.

Boaly said...

Absolutely Tim, so easy to be distracted by anything. I know i am often my own distraction alot of the time. Ah i'll just have a cup of coffee before i start, i'll just do this or do that... wick

Anonymous said...

I recently came accross your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.


Boaly said...

Thanks Tessa/Ruth, very encouraging.

“If you find me short in things, impute that to my love of brevity. If you find me besides the truth in anything, impute that to my infirmity. But if you find anything here that serves to your furtherance and joy of the faith, impute that to the mercy of God bestowed on you and me. Yours to serve you with what little I have.”

John Bunyan (Works, 1:336).