Tuesday 27 January 2009

Valentine Day is Approaching

I'll shortly post links to last years Valentine Ideas (with a few updates of course) but I was wondering what your ideas are?

(Feel free to comment anonymously since we don't want your loved one finding out. Or just leave ideas).
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online


Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to comment anonymously, but for Valentine's Day one of the things I will give my husband (happily) is the thing I know he wants most.

I went to a Denise Glenn women's retreat several years ago, about being a good mother, and a great wife.

This really stuck with me: One of her questions was: "Name 3 ways you know your husband really feels loved...."

"....and the first two don't count."

Boaly said...

Brilliant! So So true - That is one part of last years suggestions that I don't need to update (although I have added a link that may get me into some trouble).

Anonymous said...

I recommend a game called Bliss

Yes, it's a game for lovers but what I like about it is it's customisable so you can make sure it doesn't suggest things you don't want to do and it was written by a guy who I'm pretty sure is a Christian and he set out to make a game for married couples to enhance their sex lives. There is no porn in it, no possibility of adding other people in, it is purely for couples to spice up their love lives a little.

There's also a Song of Solomon add on pack you can buy which I haven't tried but which brings the verses from the book straight into the bedroom.

Some people may think that a game like that is not romantic but I would disagree, it can be very much so if both parties are interested (and women generally can't go wrong getting it as a gift for their husbands!)

Find it here

Boaly said...

Thanks Peter, must look out for it (And add it into the posts).