On the way to work this morning 1 of my spark plugs sort of disintegrated leaving enough of itself to cause huge problems & creating a loud putt, putt, putt as I drove.
After ringing round a few mechanics it seems that the only remedy is a costly new head, which given the age of the car etc isn't worth it. But my drive home was especially notable.
My Pride
I found my pride rising up in embarrassment as other drivers, pedestrians, & whoever else there was gave startled looks as I drove past. I felt wick, & bent toward the question 'why me Lord?' And wishing I was rich & drove a brand new... ...any car but the 1995 Fiesta that God had graciously provided a year ago.
Thoughts flew through my mind: "Why did the Lord provide the car, it passed MOT 2 weeks ago & now its nothing more than scrap?" But this was just rooted in pride, boiling down to a "this just shouldn't happen to me" attitude!
Grace Brought a New Perspective
Eventually conviction over pride won & with prayer I decided that there was no reason why it shouldn't be this way, that it pointed to my own dis functionality in the hands of God. And that all I could do was laugh at myself as I saw the ever increasing 'look' on peoples faces as I drove at 20mph along the road with a huge 'PUTT, PUTT, PUTT, PUTT, PUTT, PUTT, PUTT, PUTT, PUTT, PUTT, PUTT' that ended up sounding more like a kangol hammer.
The car is officially off the road, which leaves a bit of a predicament! But you know what i'm confident that the one who provided it in the first place will replace it in grace!
*Update: The Lord has provided a Ford Escort as replacement (09:30am 11-11-08)