Wednesday 29 October 2008

Weird Song Chioce...

My mum was at a harvest service recently at which a visiting choir rose up and sang that great harvest hymn 'Food Glorious Food'.

It makes me ask the question: What other weird song choices have been made in church singing?

If you have any please tell.
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online


Anonymous said...

That is truly awful.....the words are not even thankful to God for food...pathetic.

There was a while back in the nineties where the Charlie Landborough song "My forever friend" was popular....everybody thought it was about actual facts Charlie many times said it was his remembrances of his boyhood devotion to his dog!

We don't do special music and its stuff like this that makes me greatly relieved !!

Boaly said...

Yeh - I couldn't believe it when she said about it - aparently they also sang the song from when Oliver asks for more, but I can't remember the title & no one would believe me.

One more reason to be thankful I left the methodist church.

jimflem said...

Now, now Boaly - there is a lot of good work done through the Methodist church. I'm became a Christian through the work and witness of of BB officers in a Methodist!

Boaly said...

I don't deny that Jim! The BB at the one I grew up in was of huge influence on me, but I can honestly look back at my time in that particular church & say i learnt nothing of the gospel at it.

I have some good friends that are methodist & leaders in methodist churches but i'll stay clear of the one I grew up in & certian others I know of that are ecumenical, evolutionary, tickle the ears, where leaders fight for positions & pander to people, rather than teaching the Bible & living it.