Thursday 23 October 2008

How Do you take Notes?

Some friends were asking about how I take notes in my diary on some of the sermons I listen. I have to say, I don't take notes on every sermon, or from every book, usually I just scribble down main points or headings & perhaps some diagrams or pictures. However in some cases, as below, a message seems to demand further attention, more careful listening & more notes etc.

After seeing this exemplified in the life of Jim Elliot I began using a 'page a day' diary about 6 years ago to keep a diary of day by day thoughts, happenings, quotes, teachings & experiences with Christ. But over the years I have begun using it more like a journal & neglecting the date heading, so if I need 6 days worth of pages for notes on one sermon I use them.


So here's a basic example from my notes on Tim Keller's 'Adoring Christ: Communion with God'. These were some of my notes taken from this message (6 pages were used in all), but I think they give a small indication of Keller's teaching on meditation.

(I think if you click the image you'll get it larger)

My notes are mainly written with me in mind so not all of them are as followable as this example, and not all would be relative to everyone else. I probably should pick a pattern that anyone could follow, but i find that this 'random chaos' works, and when I look over them I understand what's written. Sometimes i'll leave pointers as to what direction to go with what i've written, just in case my mind doesn't click.

Alot of the time, unless i'm writing a quote, it will be more of whats been said & how it relates to me, rather than word for word - this is after all my 'journal' of sorts on what Christ is bringing to my attention for rebuking me, admonishing me, encouraging me & teaching me etc...

However if it is an expository sermon it will take on a 'Bible Reference' - 'Explanation of the text' look that is much easier to follow than my normal scribbles, looking more like a dictionary than anything else.

Usually there's a few different coloured pens on the go, its usually very basic & can be messy.

If you take notes as you listen to sermons at church or on mp3 etc, or as you read books it would be great if you posted, on your blog (leaving a link in the comments here), examples & what you find works best for you. I'm sure I (& others) could learn from you how to deepen our efforts at this, & so deepen our knowledge of Christ through His word.
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online


Gemma Roche said...

good idea gary i find this hard cos i want to take notes that will benefit me in the future like to use as a reference but i wonder if it would be more practical to keep them in a folder on computer (in terms of space and being able to find relevant info quickly)...some of the girltalkers keep notes on computer i think for these reasons. but there is something inside me that like paper notes!

Boaly said...

Yeh, I guess in many ways my blog serves as an online notebook.
But i've been in the habit of using paper in this way for so long now that its habit & yeh, there's something about paper & books that I love more than computer.