The final chapter in this book poses some of the reasons why believers may struggle with assurance of their salvation. I thought it may be useful to take one of these issues each week to discuss & share verses etc that may be helpful in preparing ourselves for such times. Or in helping those who are in these circumstances to find fresh assurance of salvation & peace with Christ.
The topics are:
1. Want of health
2. Some duty omitted or sin committed.
Possibly out of:
i] Neglect of Bible & prayer.
ii]Fear of confessing Christ before men.
iii] Using no means to bring sinners to Christ.
iv] Perhaps it is some sin committed.
3. Want of clear views of the gospel, and mixing up your own works with the finished work of Christ.
4. Not thinking often enough about Christ, and not dealing personally with Him.
5. Looking too much in at your own heart, and too little out to Christ & His finished work.
6. Not distinguishing between the temptations of Satan and your sins.
7. Living upon frames & feelings instead of upon the person & promises of Christ.
8. But the most common reason of all... ...they are not Christians at all.
It would be encouraging to get as many as we can to join in this so feel free to pass the word & to comment here if you are interested in joining the discussion.
Each week, beginning on Friday 3rd October with 'Want of health' I will outline William Patton's writings on that issue & then we can discuss & add to it.
[Update: I thought it may be good for us to give a copy of the short booklet 'Pardon for Sin & Assurance of peace with God' from Every Home Crusade each week of the discussion to people that we think may benefit either in a better understanding of salvation or in assurance of salvation.
You don't have to do this to participate in the discussion but I thought it may be helpful to to this with prayer for those people.
To participate in this way email me at homileo@worship247.org with your postal address & I will send 8 copies of the booklet to you]