I read these book over the past couple of days & have been singing their praises ever since. They are great, simplified, straight to the point introductions of the Old & New Testaments that would be great for young Christians & non-Christians who are interested in knowing about the Bible.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading them & gained alot from them. For short books that only take around an hour to read (yes that's only ONE HOUR), they are crammed with helpful teachings, instructions & explanations. At a cost of around £5 on Amazon, or if you want them quick £6.99 in most Christian bookshops (I recommend Inspire Books at the Vic Ryn Complex), they are not only readable but affordable into the bargain.
Others in this series so far include 'A Book You'll Actually Read On Church Leadership' which I read last week & is equally as good, & which I highly recommend. Along with 'A Book You'll Actually Read On God' which so far I haven't read but look forward to in the near future.