Thursday 26 June 2008

Around the Blogosphere - 26-06-08

Desiring God Blog has a post on '12 Sins We Blame On Others'.

Double Usefulness posts on Robert Mugabe's ability to cling to power in Zimbabwe & God as ultimate power.

Timmy Brister is liveblogging at the National Founders Conference - here you'll enjoy a message from Voddie Baucham.

Pulpit Magazine has begun a new series by John MacArthur on 'Why I Love The Church'.

Christianity Today interview the creator of Pixar's new film Wall-E.

The Blazing Center shares some lessons from the life of John Wilkes Booth.
Author Image

About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online


Anonymous said...

Hey Boaly -

Nice new look. Thanks for the link!

Boaly said...

Thanks Stephen, had a few negative comments about the look, but I think its just a matter of being different from what their used to.

Going on holiday tomorow & decided to 'fast' from internet, phone, technology but already looking forward to getting back & I'm making the most of it before I go.