Thursday 8 May 2008

Plodding On...

Sometimes we have & give the impression that to be in 'Christian' work or in missions is somehow the Christian's 'glamorous' jobs, or that to be in 'Christian' work means a bed of roses.

The picture I took of Simon on the Muller, perhaps shows something different, a truth that often times the job of missions can be one of faithful duty rather than full on excitement etc.

It may be persistently packing boxes out with John's Gospels (50-60,000 Gospels per day), it may be persistently going door to door, telling people of Jesus or it may be faithfully learning a language in a foreign tribe so that someday, perhaps even taking a few years, you can begin to teach those people the Scriptures.

We tend to focus only on one side of missions, seeing that missionaries fly back home to speak in churches raising support, telling of the good times in the Lord and of the people they are reaching.
But we fail to see the long years spent, and the personal sacrifice given to the cause of Christ in missions.
Knowing some & having talked with other missionaries, I know of homesickness, loneliness and hardships, even illnesses, persecution & depression that come as direct results of being on mission.

But I know what many missionaries would say of all this in their lives; with Paul they'd say

"I now rejoice in my sufferings for you..." (Colossians 1:24a)

They would count the sufferings as little, compared to the joy of glorifying Christ and winning souls into His Kingdom.

Some ways of encouraging a missionary may be to:

- Pray for missionaries, that they may drink deeply from God's Word, clinging to promises from Him for when they are in difficulty, in suffering, persecution or even just setting about mundane tasks.
Pray that they may see fruit from their labour (This is perhaps the biggest encouragement), as many come to faith.

- Give generously to the cause of Christ in Missions so that the "ox is not muzzled" (1 Cor 9:9).
[This can take on various forms from financial aid to gifts such as DVD's, books, sermons, music CD's etc]

- Right now click open your email or get a pen and paper out, and write to them telling them that you are thinking and praying for them, and tell them about what's going on at home, and perhaps share a quick thought on the glories of Christ.

- If possible, visit them. Perhaps to help at camps or in building work etc... Perhaps if your in the area or country for another reason just organize to meet up and fellowship together.

[Feel free to add some ideas on encouraging missionaries]
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online

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