Friday 23 May 2008

Looking at the Pictures

Last night I read Jacob a story from his children's Bible.
Each story is very short, covering 1-2 pages along with colourful pictures. You get to read him one story (if your lucky), before he starts to flick through the pages looking at the pictures and smiling in excitement.

As I watched him last night I prayed that as he grows he'll continue, in fact increase in his desire to go through the Bible with joy. And particularly look for pictures in it!

OK, so currently he can't read and only looks at drawings but I pray that as he gets older he'll see pictures in the text; pictures of Jesus.
That as he reads through this great book, the Spirit will consistently reveal Jesus over & over & over again, in every book, every chapter & every verse that comes before his eyes, giving him a clearer & better understanding of Christ.

I guess we could all learn from kids who simply look for the pictures (I know I could), only rather than the drawings, we look for the picture in the text. The Bible is God's revelation to us, & that revelation is primarily about Himself & His Son Jesus.
As we turn to the Bible today let us 'see' Jesus clearer, may His glory shine through it & may we get more of a glimpse of our great redeemer.
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online

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