Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Some Rambling Thoughts From My Mind On Everyone Actively Using Gifts And Talents in The Local Church

In the post below, pointing to the article on musicians on Acts29 Network Jeff Marsh writes:

" In many ways I find music and the arts inseparable, not only from philosophical standpoint, but from a practical one. Wherever I find artists I find musicians. The common interest and love for both beauty and creativity seem to draw both to places that value and inspire beauty and creativity. As a church we truly value beauty and creativity. We are not always very good at it but we do strive to honor that value. We try to allow those who are good in those areas to run with their creativity and allow them to bless the body as a whole. Beauty is a reflection of God. The beauty of his creation, even in a fallen state, reminds us that God is not a sterile, plain God. It is a small glimpse into his vastness, splendor and majesty. If your church is very plain, you probably won't draw a lot of people who value beauty and creativity. You may not be meeting in a beautiful building, or even in a place where you can change the appearances (you may be meeting in a rented space, as we are) but if you truly value arts and beauty you will figure out ways to accentuate what you do to make it more creative."

This has struck a chord in me! I am by no means the artist and definitely not the musician (my very recorder was taken from me at school cause I was so wick), but I do go through stages where I like to play with pastels or paints on a canvas, though more recently I've been toying with cameras. I also have an appreciation for both art and music, and would love to see more of these in Church.
This was one reason why we provided paper, paint, pastels etc at the past couple of worship247 weekends, so that people could express their worship of Holy God through creative or artistic means.

But in reading this my mind goes across a wider spectrum and does not stop at art and music, but flows towards the gifts and talents of all within a church. Namely that there ought to be ways for everyone to develop and use their gifts and talents in worship and for the good of the body.

I would not say that everyone gets immediate licence to do whatever they want, but that as people are discipled, grow and are filled with the Spirit, that their gifts and talents can be developed within the church and there could be a focus and process of developing these and permitting people to take action with their gifts and talents.

I think leaders have a duty to see potential, to look for peoples gifts and talents and to try to help them develop and use these to the glory of God.
Speaking for myself, this is one of the things that I would have in mind for development in the future if God permits the Bible study/home group that we're a part of to grow. That we'd see the development of peoples gifts, talents etc and the use of them for the good of the church and the glory of God. That people would have a place to actively use their gifts and talents, whether in music, song writing, art, teaching, evangelism, helps, hospitality, children's work, writing, perhaps even technological areas such as the Internet, counselling and many more.

That peoples interests and hobbies could become part of worship as they use them to the glory of God in community and outreach. One example from my own life of how a hobby can be used in this way is how my enjoyment of climbing and exploring etc has been used to build up fellowship and friendship with many, and perhaps especially Tim and Simon with whom I believe God used our climbing on a weekly basis to develop and strengthen the bond of friendship we have! And I see many others who have become greater friends and now share deeper fellowship and unity in Christ because they enjoy similar hobbies and interests that have brought them to spend more time together.
But there needs to be freedom and development in these areas for creativity, perhaps mistakes and failure along the way, but above all a heart to see God glorified in everything we do (1 Cor 10:31), and every believer being active in the local fellowship with their gifts and talents.

This is just a rambling thought of a guy involved in a small bible study, house group that has hopes and dreams of what might be if God permits!
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online


Stephen Altrogge said...

Thanks for these thoughts Gary...

Tim Millen said...

Excellent post Boaly. Keep those thoughts rambling away out of your brain onto this blog.

Boaly said...

Thanks guys! Lets look out for young guys who we can draw alongside and help encourage and develope in their walk, love and life with Christ!