The Reformed Pastor- Richard Baxter
Confessions of a Reformission Rev. - Mark Driscoll
Overcoming Sin & Temptation - John Owen
William Tyndale - David Daniel
When the Darkness will not lift - John Piper
Sex and the Supremacy of Christ - John Piper & Justin Taylor
The Cross of Christ - John Stott
The Persuit of Holiness - Jerry Bridges
The Radical Reformission - Mark Driscoll
Stop Dating the Church - Joshua Harris
Sermons by Hugh Latimer - Hugh Latimer
The Heart of the Bible - John MacArthur
The Truth War - John MacArthur
Living the Cross Centred Life - C. J. Mahaney
The Power of a Praying Husband - Stormie O Martin
Life by His Death - John Owen
Don't Waste your Life - John Piper
What Jesus Demands from the World - John Piper
No Turning Back - George Verwer
Amazing Grace in the Life of William Wilberforce - John Piper
9Marks of a Healthy Church - Mark Dever
Multiplying Churches - Stephen Timis
Humility - C. J. Mahaney
Religious Affections - Jonathan Edwards
Planting Missional Churches - Ed Stetzer
Fresh Wind Fresh Fire - Jim Cymbala
Why Men Hate Going to Church - David Murrow
Holiness - J. C. Ryle
Boundaries - Cloud/Townsend
Famine in the Land - Steve Lawson
The Two Covenants - Andrew Murray
Letter from a Christian Citizen - Douglas Wilson
And some light fiction for some no thinking needed feet up time;
The Wolf of the Plains - Conn Iggulden
The Lords of the North - Bernard Cornwell
The Wintersmith - Terry Pratchett
Thud - Terry Pratchett
The Janson Directive - Robert Ludlum