Tuesday 27 November 2007

Joshua Project

Joshua Project World Ministries
Prayer Letter November 2007

Dear Prayer Warriors,

Thank you for continuing to lift us up in prayer, and let me tell you how much it is needed. The work at the center continues, and it is hard to believe we have been open a year last week. The children are coming in droves and we are so grateful that they come to us with all their hurts and needs. The Lord has given us a special love for them, and the hurts and needs are all His to heal and fulfill. Please continue to pray for these incredible kids as the Lord takes their lives and turns them around.

We have just begun work on a new fence for the back garden at the center, and hopefully will have it completed before the winter snows come. We are planning to turn the back garden into a prayer garden, and now it seems we need it more than ever as the center is already exploding at the seams. Please pray that the snows will wait a few weeks!

Please join us in prayer as we are still waiting on the final paperwork for the dentist to begin working in our center. He is very anxious to get started, but the process has been slow.

We are looking at the possibility of purchasing a new vehicle, and we need great wisdom in knowing what to buy. The Lord has given us some great vehicles through the years and we pray that we will recognise the right one when it is time. Please join us in praying for wisdom and for the finances needed to purchase it outright.

Also, please join us in praying that the Christmas boxes will get here soon so we have time to get all of the packages delivered before Christmas Day! It is a very long journey, it usually takes 3-5 weeks to deliver them all.

Now, I would like to share something very dear to my heart. As many of you know, I have always said that I will never ask for money. I will not change that now, because I believe in the power of God through faith to provide. What I will do is share a vision. I was in prayer when the Lord gave me a very vivid vision. This vision made me cry and laugh at the same time. It is called "The Big Red Barn" and it is meant to be a FULL TIME camp facility for children with HIV/AIDS. There has never been anything like it before and there never will be again. It will mean sharing the Gospel in a camp setting of our own every month of the year! Can you imagine it? Being able to pack up a load of 40 children each month and take them to camp every month all year long? For those of you who have taken part in our camps they are life changing for campers and leaders alike, but the problem has always been the expense and renting a facility($10,000 per camp for four days for 25 campers). What if we could change all of that, and the Lord gave us "The Big Red Barn" as a permanent retreat for these precious kids? Can you imagine the impact on HIV/AIDS sharing Jesus Christ doing 12 camps a year? Wow! I don't know how he is going to provide, but I just know that if we will all pray in Jesus name "The Big Red Barn" will become a reality. Please join us in praying for the fulfillment of this vision!

Please pray for unity, passion, and strength for our team as we war for the souls of these kids!

All our love and prayers, Tresha, Andy, and Josiah
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online

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